
Application tips

An application is your ticket to a company. You should arouse interest in yourself, be complete and be as informative as possible. We look forward to receiving your application and are excited to get to know you better.

Can you imagine becoming part of the SOMMER team? We're happy about that, so don't hesitate, we'll be happy to receive your complete application.

  • A cover letter
  • A CV, if necessary with application photo
  • Attachments such as certificates and references

The cover letter should contain a brief overview of your skills and reasons for applying.

  • State why you would like to become part of the SOMMER team
  • Tell us why you are applying for the specified job
  • Tell us what strengths, talents and characteristics you bring to the job

Show us your CV so far. The following is important:

  • A clear presentation
  • If there are gaps in your CV, explain why
  • If you add an application photo, make sure it is of good quality. Leisure photos are not suitable

All documents that you want to add to your application belong in the attachment. Please note the following:

  • All certificates and references must be complete
  • The last three references also include half-year information
  • Only send us copies, not original certificates or references
  • Summarize all your documents in one PDF file. For security reasons, we can only accept PDF documents

You apply for an advertised position and we review the application documents internally. Processing your application can take some time. If the position suits you, we will invite you to an interview. Here we can get to know each other better and clarify any open questions.

After we receive your application, you will receive a confirmation email asking you to wait a little longer. After the internal review, you will receive a message and may be invited to an interview. Here you will also have the opportunity to ask your questions and clarify any open points. If you are a good fit for our team and we have chosen you, you will receive a contract confirming your firm commitment to our training or study place.
